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Kit de culture Zamnesia 'PES Amazonian'

 4.5/5 (302)

    Bien, pero...
    En general, puedo decir que han crecido bastante bien y rapido, a pesar de algunas complicaciones. Compre 3 lotes pero tuve que echar una porque las setas se pusieron negras y despues de eso no me crecieron mas. No quiero echarle la culpa a las setas ya que soy nuevo en esto del cultivo y a pesar de seguir todas las instrucciones, material y recomendaciones algo seguro que hice mal porque tuve que echar algunas setas tambien por contaminacion bacteriana... Personalmente, no recomiendo comprar muchos lotes en un pedido, ya que al tener tantos teneis que dar muchisima atencion en todo momento y luego para consumir o almacenar se pueden complicar las cosas. Por lo demas bastante bien, pero una pena que por mi falta fe experiencia haya tenido que echar muchas a la basura :(

    P. D.

    Incredibly prolific strain
    The cakes, after they've been used up completely, are light as a shadow. Almost all of their weigh is converted into the shrooms. They tend to provide more product, than most strains.

    R. B.

    Not Good
    I brought three kits, but sadly hardly any shrooms !! I only had two goes , which is terrible for the amount I could have potentially had. Well gutted. Don't buy the zamnesia own products, they don't ever grow well, and i tried all the different brands too. My best results were on the 'Fresh Grow'' brand.

    B. A.

    Klein aber ohho
    Dieses zuchtset hat eine etwas andere Anleitung, ist aber ganz schön potent. Bin derzeit im 3ten flush und muss sagen, die kleinen kommen echt gut. Wichtig ist, sie sind wirklich kleiner als normale Pilze daher habe ich mich fast beim erntezeitpunkt verschätzt. Ein top Produkt

    S. K.

    My favorite cubensis
    Amazonian works super good for me. 4 flushes and a rich harvest

    M. F.

    Top Quality Shrooms
    I bought a few of the Amazonian kits when they were apart of the 3 for 2 promotion and wow!..they haven't disappointed. I have previously had successful grows with a couple of different kits including the Golden Teachers (with hugely impressive flushes) and the Mazatapec (what they lack in volume and size, they certainly make up for in Potency)....but the Amazonians go one better, they provide very decent flushes, along with packing one hell of a punch...on top of that, you will get flush after flush if u do everything right, 10/10.

    A. P.

    grew fast and was easy to handle

    F. L.

    Easy to grow
    First flush and get 80gr fresh ... Nice trip :-)

    T. R.

    Very good kit
    These kits are very different from the Fresh Mushrooms : more difficult to "launch", but then the maintenance is somewhat easier because shrooms really detached from the PFTek and you don't have all these little things everywhere rotting. Also, despite a first flush that is less impressive than the Fresh Mushrooms, I'm on a my 4th flush with some pretty solid mushrooms. Also, mushrooms don't really look like the picture, more like the picture of Treasure Coast, but they are as big and blue on the contact point as we are hoping. You can go for it :-)

    E. C.

    Recu dans les temps, pousse correctement, premiere fois que j'en fais pousser par moi même, le premier trip solo a été une claque dans la geule rien à dire merci Zamnesia !

    L. D.

    Très peu de champignons ont poussé sur ces kits malgré avoir suivi les instructions à la lettre.

    J. D.

    La difficulté réside dans le fait qu'il faut commencer la cueillette dès que le voile se déchire Hors chaque fois il y a un dominant qui pousse à une faible récolte Un beau pour plein de petit Résultats pour optimiser la récolte j'ai faire un miel bleu et là, la deuxième difficulté....Le dosage... Difficile de trouver le sweet spot... Soit je suis tombeur un mauvais pain, soit j'ai pas de chance

    S. L.

    Sehr viel ertrag
    Gut zu handhaben

    M. M.

    Top zuchtset, muss man auf jeden Fall mal versuchen

    L. H.

    Great yield, amazing trip

    T. P.

    veloci e tanti
    semplicissimi da far crescere e ne crescono anche tanti, bello anche l’effetto è molto mentale. i primi funghi hanno cominciato a spuntare dopo 1 settimana e nel giro di 5 giorni circa (prima che il cappello si apra e rilasci le spore) si possono già raccogliere. lo consiglio

    M. A.

    top quality
    grew so fast and many shrooms, recommended

    M. M.

    Top kit
    Per ora sono al secondo getto ,speriamo in altri, 2g secchi effetto abbastanza strong

    S. B.

    Einfach und gut
    Bei mir hat es mit dem wachsen bisschen länger gedauert weil es nicht so warm war, sind aber trotz „schlechter“ Lage gut geworden.

    A. S.

    Very good product.

    G. R.

    My all-time favo
    I love this strain for its vivid visuals and this box has never disappointed! Multiple flushes, evenly fruiting beautiful mushroom bodies of great potency. Just amazing Amazonian!

    P. K.

    Un offre presque intéressante
    Bonjour, je recommanderais bien ce produit. Avec un résultats plutôt florissant, 2 acheter le 3ème offert. Je n'ai pas hésité une année supplémentaire. Hors cette fois ci certaines boîte fut abîmer pendant le transport. 2 box fendues. L'eau et l'air s'y infiltre et le mycélium se meurt... vraiment dessus cette fois-ci Commande reçu hier, il y déjà un changement de couleur dans ces deux box

    L. B.

    Einfach in der Handhabung
    Sehr einfach "Bedienung" wohl im Vergleich zu den anderen. Nach ca. 1 Woche erste kleine Pünktchen wie angegeben. Nun wird noch 1-2 Wochen gewartet und und regelmäßig gelüftet.

    M. K.

    Very good!

    K. K.

    Estoy deseando probarlo

    J. G.

    cresce veloce e senza sbatti

    S. C.

    PES Amazonian
    Fantastic Kit with huge mushrooms ! But dont let them grow too long & too Big or the second flush is much smaller ...

    M. M.

    les meilleurs pour le moment
    Bon rendement 150 grammes de frais au 1er batch. Ils sont vraiment très biens !

    S. C.

    El kit original No funcionó correctamente
    Hola, he de decir que siguiendo las indicaciones tal y como explicáis en el pedido a mí no me funcionó y en el modo de cultivo se creó un manto blanco que hizo que las setas no crecieran correctamente. Había un exceso de humedad que no dejaba crecer las setas. Lo puse en un taperware grande donde le pude controlar la humedad y la temperatura y ahí empezaron a salir, aunque se quedaron pequeñas y deformes y por supuesto no la cantidad que supuestamente tendrían que haber salido. Tras varios intentos antes de tirar el pan me llegaron a salir unos 30gr en todo el proceso. He de admitir que la potencia de las mismas es bastante alta. Probé 2,6gr en la primera vez y me llevó un viaje muy potente y duradero 5-6horas, como nunca antes había tenido, ni siquiera con LSD tuve tan fuerte el viaje. Contento con la potencia pero un poco decepcionado por la cantidad de setas que salieron. Volveré a probar con otro pedido cuando pase el verano. A ver qué tal resulta. Gracias!!

    A. S.

    Awsome and fast
    Amazing kit and amazing company strong shrooms took 10 days from start to ready to shrooms

    M. J.

    Best shroom box on the Market!
    This is the box that just dont stop! Dont know how Zamnesia did it but this is just another level! You will not regret buying this:)

    G. H.

    Nice trip
    Good trip

    V. S.

    All the quality in the world . Amazonians are different in appearance then the other cubensis . Beautiful white dress sprinkled with inkish blue , so gentle and potent , every psychonauts dream .

    K. D.

    Woooowweeeee omg what a yeald
    Absolutely an amazing company to buy from. This kit was unbelievable! They are giants and grew thick n fast with sms img results. Never experienced anything so great and quick! Welll recommend this kit . So easy to do Also. Ten out of ten

    S. M.

    Does the job, but...
    At first, I thought my kit died, because it has a strong scent, but after the first flush, I think it's just the trait of this strain. My problem is with the kit itself. The bag is not transparent, so there is no way to tell if the pins appeared already. There could be a small transparent window to peek inside, but unfortunately, that's not the case. I would recommend getting another kit, for example, the fresh mushrooms kit.

    V. K.

    Top das beste was was ich probiert habe
    Es lohnt sich super macht weiter so!

    A. P.

    Had many grow kits, and some fail, including this kit, but they were quick to rectify and offered a voucher/new kit. Customer service is outstanding! Despite them not growing, I’ll give 5 stars for the communication and rectification! Don’t hesitate to put an order in!

    E. R.

    Effettivamente potenti
    Sono molto facili da crescere, il primo racconto è uscito in due settimane (in estate) ed è stato abbondante. Premettendo che non sono un veterano, ho preso un fungo di piccole dimensioni per provare il microdosing, ho avuto un effetto di circa 5 ore abbastanza coinvolgente. Consiglio di prenderli circondati dalla natura e non in ambienti chiusi .

    S. O.

    Amazing and strong
    really a potent strain, not a huge crop but very fast. Just ordered a second kit of these. A favorite of mine.

    C. J.

    permettent une tres bonne introspection

    A. J.


    A. W.

    This one is so easy to cultivate, i'm very happy with it (=

    A. C.

    super good

    D. B.

    Leider eine 0 Runde
    Ich habe die Anleitung wie im Download beschrieben befolgt und leider ist seit mehreren Wochen nichts passiert. Man sieht den Kondensation, aber mehr sieht man nicht. Den Kauf würde ich aktuell empfehlen

    N. C.

    Best ever
    Best mushrooms I have ever had. Best for music, visual and fun. With the correct amount you will have a brillant celebration.

    S. D.

    Amazing !
    Great genetics - grew well no issues the 1st flush Just started the second and it’s off to a great start The zamnesia grow kits are some of the best !

    L. C.

    Production massive
    J'ai pris trois kits et le premier flush a était incroyablement rempli de champignon, en suite rempli d'eau froide et mis au frigo une nuit puis rincez le pain et c'est reparti, j'ai fait ça trois ou quatre fois et de moins en moins de champis bien évidement mais toujours productif après je n'ai plus mis au frigo mais cela a repoussé trois fois donc en tout 7 flush, j'ai des champignons a ne plus savoir quoi en faire

    E. P.

    Great shrooms
    They are growing very fast and there are a lot of them… really like the effect of the Amazonian. First flush gave me 25g dried shrooms.

    N. H.

    Wish I had of read the reviews before i decided to lemon tek 5 grames dried .so so strong I was good enjoy the trip but my girlfriend took 3 g aswell was too much for her .alot stronger than albino penis envy which for some reason I was lead to be the strongest. Just be careful with them I'd say 2 g dry is enough to take anyone to another realm. Great service and advice always from the zamnesia team .thanks

    M. G.

    Bon produit
    Très bon produit, un peu déçu par la faible quantité récoltée mais j'en suis à la première pousse, j'espère que la seconde sera meilleure.

    A. M.
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