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Kit de culture Zamnesia 'Treasure Coast'

 4.5/5 (121)

    Hè verdorie deze ronde is tegen gevallen! Bij de eerste flush waren de stelen dusdanig via de randen gaan groeien! Waardoor alles kapot ging bij het oogsten, en het materiaal in de bak kapot ging! Vervolgens weer neer gezet! Alleen groeide er geen een paddo meer! Dit terwijl ik juist voor deze ben gegaan vanwege de vele flushes die hij zou opleveren. De werking was overigens wel uitstekend van die enige flush. Nogmaals erg jammer, maar dit kan gebeuren bij deze processen. en daarom houd ik mijn vertrouwen in zamnesia. Volledig. Op naar de volgende!!!

    R. E.

    Perche spéciale
    Les effets sont assez spéciaux, c'est comme si j'avais fumé 10 joints d'un coup. Le corps est lourd, c'est bien si il est possible de rester posé. Légère déformation visuelle.

    Z. L.

    Fast delivery, fast growing
    A very vibrant and fast growing variety. The first flush is 16g, the second is 11g and the third is coming, about 30 mushrooms are growing so I think at least 10-15g will come from the third flush. I bred with small changes (as well as the pes Amazon, which admittedly gave only one but a good flush ..); growing zamnesian selling XL grow bag (kit included are very small). I added 1.5 liters of perlite and 1cm of water to the bottom, and made a few holes in the bag. With the third flush, I turned the cake sideways, and the mushrooms can grow in 5 directions. I recommend zamnesia grow kit than other manufacturers for which I also have experience. 5+/5

    P. P.

    Treasure Coast bringen Licht in Deinen dunkelsten Keller
    Die Pilze wachsen langsamer und sind kleiner, aber dafür sind sie stärker als die Mexicaner und die Thais würde ich sagen. Sie sind auch anstrengend, aber das lohnt sich, Sie können Licht in Deine dunkelste Ecke Deines Unterbewusstseins bringen. Ich bin als Kind in den Keller gesperrt worden. In Prozessen ohne Substanzen habe ich mein inneres Kind immer dort abgeholt. Hier mit den Pilzen war es anders, ich war wieder im Keller und bin da geblieben und dann ist die Dunkelheit aufgebrochen und das Licht ist zu mir und zu meinem inneren Kind in den Keller gekommen, es war somit nicht mehr nötig von dem Ort zu flüchten, weil alles in Ordnung gekommen ist. Ich finde diese Pilze damit sehr geeignet, schamanisch zu arbeiten. Auch habe ich meine Emotionen sehr gut kanalisieren können, in dem sehr kraftvolle Schreibe tief aus meinem Bauch aufgestiegen sind. Die Schreie waren so intensiv durchdringend, dass eine Handpan im Raum dadurch immer wieder zum klingen gebracht wurde. Was mich zur Handpan geführt hat, wo ich intuitiv das Instrument gut spielen konnte und damit weiterhin tiefste traumatische Ereignisse durchleben konnte. Allerdings ist nicht nur die Pilzsorte ausschlaggebend für eine tiefe Aufarbeitung von verdrängten Gefühlen, sondern ich sehe sehr entscheidend die unbeugsame Absicht, die man vor der Session setzt für die Reise in die eigenen Schattenthemen. Mit Dankbarkeit an den lichtbringer Treasure Coast, Euch auch viel Spaß damit.

    F. #.

    Fast Delivery and great results
    I got my kit in a few day after my order. The first pins got out about 2 weeks afterwards and now I'm waiting for a full grow. The harvest looks promising :)

    A. N.

    Great and reliable.
    These things get big, holy mushroom. Satisfied :)

    K. L.

    Gutes Grow Set
    Das Set hat innerhalb von 12 Tagen die erste Ernte eingebracht. Die Zweite ist gerade im kommen. Sehr schöne Wirkung. Der Ertrag hätte allerdings ein wenig mehr sein können.

    P. N.

    Great service
    While I personally prefer supa gro for the Quick and easy start (skipping the first soaking), I still had great succes with these. I'll gladly recommend this one. I've done quite a few deals on zamnesia, and I've always recieved Superb service.

    C. B.

    I ve been a loyal customer for 6 years and will continue spreading spores with friends. Thanks for what you do ! Treasure coast in the making still waiting for those cute mushies

    S. L.

    Je recommande ce produit
    Très bon kit bon kit bon rendements et très bon service client au top et a l’écoute répond rapidement .

    M. C.

    Facile à faire pousser mais quantités très faibles
    Le kit est très facile d'utilisation mais le rendement est très très faible, je ne les ai pas encore goûté et je vais relancer le kit... À suivre

    S. G.

    Great product
    Started a bit slow but with such amazing customer support it turned out to beautiful smurfvillage. Amazing experience, multiple housing.

    J. M.

    Réception rapide au top

    A. D.

    Ho avuto problemi con la prima scatola ma il servizio clienti è stato ottimo e me ne hanno subito mandata un'altra che ha funzionato benissimo e come mia prima esperienza mi è piaciuta molto

    M. O.

    Treasure Coast
    Very good, i followed instructions 10/10

    A. K.

    golden thinkers growing kit
    Very good product, got a good harvest this time as in spring, i did not use the heating carpet, just vaporizer spray and a good one. i suspect one time before I used a recycled vaporiser that had contained cleaning product and how much you wash it it always smells chlorine and killed my mushrooms. So I advise you use a new clean one!

    C. B.

    Première expérience
    C'est mon premier kit et je ne suis pas satisfait. Il n y avait pas d explication claire sur la marche à suivre. Peut être que je recommencerais une fois mais pour le moment ce n'est pas satisfaisant.

    F. B.

    Uno su due non ha fruttato
    Ho provato questo kit dopo la mia prima esperienza con i McKennai, ma le istruzioni per la coltura erano abbastanza controintuitive. Non so esattamente perché e percome le istruzioni sono cambiate, ma per questa pare che si debba abbandonare il sistema a chiusura "a torta" per tenerlo a mò di sacchetto fin da subito, oltre che spruzzare ogni giorno. "Poco male", mi dissi, se non fosse che la resa finale è stata decisamente inferiore rispetto a prima.

    D. C.

    Per 2 volte ho ordinato il kit. E nonostante io sia stato particolarmente attento il kit è stato contaminato entrambe le volte. Appena arrivato aveva un apparenza diversa rispetto agli altri kit. Lode al servizio clienti di zamnesia che mi ha rimborsato entrambe le volte. Siete i migliori

    E. V.

    The mushrooms didn't grow, but great customer service
    Even if I paid attention to the instructions, the kit didn't produce any flush at all. The customer care was great though, I have promptly been given a voucher for another kit. I will try again.

    P. B.

    Treasure coast didn't grow
    Treasure coast didn't grow and i have send 4 emails and all i get is automatic reply.... For now on i will shop somewhere else...

    E. J.

    Buy SUPAGRO instead
    I've been buying kits through Zamnesia for years now, have had my bit of trial by error with earlier kits. I've been buying SUPAGRO kits earlier, and have had no problem. But these Zamnesia grow kits are not okay, nowhere in the guide did it say that you should cold shock your kits, so I assumed that these were done differently but they're not you need to cold shock em 12 hours in the fridge for the first flush. The guide tells you to soak em in water and then just put em up, nothing with the fridge. not cool. Then there's the oxygen holes, they come sealed, you can open and wave the bag every day for oxygen intake but it's super unintuitive, after a month, i punched holes through the bag myself and now a few started growing. I would not recommend buying Zamnesia growkits before they fixed their manual.

    I. O.

    Wouldn't recommend AT ALL! Gave NOTHING (2nd time)
    These used to be good, but my last 2 boxes have given me NOTHING AT ALL! I can't recommend these AT ALL! Don't buy, these are just seem to be scams nowadays. Don't know what happened to this company.

    T. M.

    Treasure Coast
    Zamnesia è il miglior sito per varietà di prodotti, qualità di articoli ed ha il miglior servizio clienti! Per qualsiasi chiarimento a causa di problemi ti rispondono in meno di 24 ore! Cercano sempre di darti il consiglio giusto e se per caso qualcosa va storto ti sostituisco il prodotto una volta appurato che il cliente non ha colpe! Veramente unico e fantastici! Grande Zamnesia e grandi i loro collaboratori del servizio clienti! Continuate così che portate avanti una vera rivoluzione culturale naturale!

    R. S.

    it got infected, couldnt try :(
    it got infected and nothing grow :( i'll try again

    A. C.

    Bon kit
    Lancés il y a 2 semaines, les champignons ont déjà bien poussé, assez nombreux. Tout se déroule correctement pour le moment.

    M. D.

    Treasure coast
    Après avoir suivi les instructions à la lettre pour le kit de culture treasure coast mes champignons n’ont pas poussé, peut être que j’ai eu la malchance de tomber sur un kit défaillant, j’espers que l’equipe Zamnezia sera à la hauteur de sa réputation.. Merci

    C. M.

    Servizio perfetto
    Ottimi prodotti e ottima attenzione al cliente

    P. C.

    Première box à eu du mal à se lancer mais zamnesia service à fait un super travail et à rembourser une autre box directement et elle part beaucoup mieux il pousse et j'ai hâte de les goûter !

    L. C.

    Fastgrowing smallaer mushrooms
    The first pins appeared within 7-12 days and the mushrooms came in large numbers and smaller sizes and grew fast. Not the easiest to harvest due to the numbers of mushrooms and there was a lot of mushrooms growing on the side of the box but I was surprised that it grew as fast as the supa gro box. 5 dried grams of this strain gave a very deep and ecstatic trip with lot of love and even if it was not the most visual trip it was very visual and the most emotional trip I had. I recomend this strain. Thank you zamnesia!

    N. L.

    Excellent site !
    Produit très intéressant ;) J'ai eu un problème de pousse mais l'équipe Zamnesia est à la hauteur de sa réputation. Un rapide échange par mail et ils m'ont renvoyé un kit, j'espère maintenant que ce dernier soit prolifique. Vendeur au top à recommander les yeux fermés

    P. V.

    Services Is Better than product
    Product Is not very simply to grow like site show. It seem very easy but not always you can have a good experience. However assistence Is very kind and can help you during the grow. My experience was negative for mold in tour session and no grow nothing. You can't be a pure beginner and Is a Little hard respect all raccomandations of manuale. I love zamnesia ever!

    C. C.

    Sehr schneller Versand!Nach 15 Tagen geerntet!Wieder sehr zufrieden mit Zamnesia:-) mfg

    G. W.

    Schimmel Zucht!
    Ich habe schon sehr oft und auch die verschiedensten Marken und Sorten gegrowt. Ich habe die Box aufgestellt und nach eine Woche kam schon der Schimmel oder auch nur irgendwas ernten zu können. Richtig mies!!!

    R. R.

    Low yield
    Not impressed by this one. Three shrooms per flush.

    J. A.

    Colis arrivé rapidement, qualité produit au top! Merci

    M. D.

    Didn't grow a thing
    Didn't grow anything in 2 months period, meanwhile B+ grew multiple flushes. Going to skip this one next time. I guess i should just stick to B+.

    T. H.

    The box took a little time to arrive because of the health crisis... Otherwise, nothing to complain about, the first mushrooms grew quickly. They are beautiful and numerous. I have already tested this variety and wasn't disapointed. Thanks Zamnesia !

    F. H.

    service parfait
    Étonné de voir un tel service livrer en France, celle fonctionne relativement bien, on reçoit le colis comme un autre. Quant aux champignons, ils sont encore en train de pousser et a vive allure ! Les conseils de ce site sont très precieux. Je ne jugerai simplement pas les effets car je ne les ai pas encore récolté

    D. D.

    warning remboursement
    bonjour l'équipe Zamnésia j'ai un problème avec mon kit de culture White lightning pouvez vous m'en envoyé un ? comment puis je faire pour procéder a un échange de paquet dans les plus bref délai? merci landry

    L. M.

    Vert good mush
    The first TC box growed perfectly but on the second the mushrooms growed a lot on the side that it makes more difficult to harvest. However this variety is such amazing, good trip all times and wonderful colors seeing. I highly recommend it (careful on the dose taken, Can be very strong sometimes)

    M. D.

    Merci encore!
    J'avais commandé 2 box dernièrement de FreshMushrooms, elles ont eu énormément de mal à se lancer et l'une d'elle s'est complètement arrêtée au stade primaire, je n'avait que les têtes d'épingles de sorties puis plus rien... Seul les B+ ont continués. Les Ecuadors n'ont rien donnés. Alors que j'ai suivi à la lettre toute les recommandations. Heureusement, le service après vente de Zamnesia est super! Ils m'ont donc fait un bon de commande de la valeur de la box ratée, frais de port offerts ! Merci encore pour votre attention et votre rapidité de réponse ansi que votre accompagnement tout au long des démarches que vous m'avez proposées pour essayer de relancer la production de la box! Je recommande Zamnesia +++++++++

    P. D.

    Ce kit a pris un peu de temps à démarrer mais j'ai eu environ 60g de champignons, et ce n'est que le premier flush !

    J. P.

    very good product! very good service!

    M. R.

    Had a problem
    Nothing really happened, but customer service sorted it for me, thanks guys Will order again!

    S. V.

    Very nice first experience
    First of all the support from zamnesia is amazing. Now concerning the product itself, it didn't gave much on the first flush, maybe I should have waited a little bit more (I'm new to this I don't exactly know when to collect them), but after a little bit of drying, the effects were amazing, a really pleasant and smooth experience. Will surely continue coming here and consuming these products!

    S. B.

    Customer service
    I bought a kit but the kid didn't grow, I contact customer service and after a few questions they straight away replaced the kit , there was none of that blame game you yousually get with customer service, 6 star service

    D. M.

    Great adventure
    First time grower ,,, Amazing definetly purchase again ,although had a couple of mistakes. overal out of this world

    D. J.

    Natural products can sometimes disappoint, but the support is excellent!
    I've had some disappointing results with my kits. After contacting support, we've figured out that the mycelium was probably too dense, prohibiting a good moisturizing of the cake, resulting in bad growth. After some attempts the growth started improving, but the cake was already pretty used up, so the yield still was not great. But the support team offered me a nice compensation, so in the end my experience was still a good one. I did not get to test the effects of the shrooms yet.

    W. O.

    2 bad kits, but Zamnesia customer support top notch
    1st TC didn't colonize, got contam Replacement TC just didn't colonize, stalled completely Neither arrived colonized However Zamnesia customer support v good, and send me a replacement Freshmushrooms GT, that worked much better, arrived nicely colonized, 2 flushes so far

    D. F.
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