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Kit de Culture Fresh Mushrooms 'Golden Teacher'

 4.5/5 (1535)

    One Happy customer
    Used other places to get my shrooms and it used to take ages to get them. ordered theses and within a week I had them and I even stay in Scotland. Started them as soon as I got them and was pleased with the amount of my first crop my second crop was less but good strong shrooms. Going to try and get a third crop. But I'm so Happy ( not because I've just taken some🤣) but to find a decent company, cheers guys 🤙🤙

    A. R.

    First yield was great, second was poor
    Super easy kit to use, perfect for beginners. First flush was great but didn’t get much after that. Reasonably priced so bought another. Fantastic customer service as usual.

    S. I.

    Sans plus
    Excellent service de Zamnesia ; expédié rapidement ! Le rendement est "correct", mais la souche est très faiblarde. J'ai profité d'un tarif promotionnel, sans cela j'aurais été déçu. Je ne recommanderai pas cette "marque". (2.5/5)

    H. D.

    Immer wieder gerne
    Ein Klassiker unter den Pilzen und sehr zuverlässig. Wenn man sauber arbeitet und erste Erfahrungen machen will, sind Golden Teacher der perfekte Einstieg.

    S. W.

    Super zufrieden!
    Ich habe nun seit fast einem Jahr Erfahrungen mit den Fresh Mushrooms gemacht, habe den richtigen Umgang erlernt, natürlich auch aus Misserfolgen gelernt. Mit dem letzten Zuchtset "Golden Teachers" bin ich sehr zufrieden. Den ersten Schub konnte ich schon nach einer Woche großzügig abernten, der zweite war auch ausgiebig, dann wurde es zwar weniger und es dauert auch länger bis Pilze wachsen, aber es kommen noch immer große Pilze. Ganz besonders möchte ich hier den hervorragenden Service von Zamnesia loben. Ich habe immer sofort eine Antwort bekommen, Reklamationen wurden ohne Problem umgehend bearbeitet und ich habe schnell eine Ersatz- lieferung erhalten. Super! Herzlichen Dank an das Zamnesia-Team!

    C. W.

    Good experience!
    Went for the Golden Teacher 'Fresh mushroom' kit. Didn't get a huge yeald. Managed 4 flushes but the last couple only fruited a couple of mushies (albeit huge ones!) Would definitely buy again, but will try the supa grow this time

    M. P.

    I used the website for the first time a month a go, via a friend recommendation. the delivery was spot on and I found super easy to use the site and also to grow my kit. Highly recommend .

    C. T.

    Golden teacher
    Great little kit , for a first timer it was simple and easy to use. Definitely would recommend

    T. W.

    Super service client
    Service client Zamnesia au top et super moment ;)

    M. M.

    Great product with decent yields; food dehydrator is a must for preservation
    This is my very first experience growing and eating magic mushrooms (I have tried eating truffles in the past though). I used 99.9% isopropanol and wore nitryl gloves, as well as a face mask, in order to maximize my yields. The first mushrooms appeared within a week of growing, and then they grew extremely quickly to full size (over no more than 48 hrs). I placed the kit in indirect sunlight and the temperatures ranged between 22°C and 25°C mostly. My first flush was huge (I didn't weight it wet but the volume was comparable to the product photos, and it translated to some 16g once dried), followed by a small 2nd flush (4 decently sized mushrooms for an estimated 50g of harvest, and a tiny 3rd flush is currently on the way (one big 15-20g mushroom and not much else). We'll see how it goes but so far I have tried to eat them fresh at a "normal" dose and the effects were awesome. I am pretty satisfied with the product, although I would've loved to get bigger 2nd and 3rd flushes. Beware however, I dried the totality of my first flush in an oven with 40°C heat but this still yielded seemingly cooked mushrooms despite my best efforts, with a blackened appearance (although no burnt smell). I have tried eating a small dose of these but didn't get any effects other than dilated pupils; I will have to try a larger dose of them in the future to assess whether or not I destroyed them entirely. I since then have bought a cheap second-hand dehydrator on Amazon (for some 30€) and the results are incredible; I'll go this way going forwards and I can only recommend that you do not cheap out on this crucial step. There is really no replacing the indirect heat and constant airflow of a dehydrator. I plan to now buy a couple more kits and repeat the growing process in order to assemble a stash of high-quality dry mushrooms for happy occasions. All in all, the price of the kit when on sale is well worth it, and the growing process is super easy and quite rewarding once the fruiting bodies begin appearing.

    A. H.

    Idiotensicher. Als absoluter Neuling hab ich mit der entsprechenden Anleitung zwei Schübe ernten können. Wenn ich sauberer gearbeitet hätte, wohl auch mehr.

    J. E.

    first experience growing shrooms and was super easy and so unbelievable. Amazing product 100% reccomend

    A. D.

    Comodo e facile

    M. V.

    Magnifique récolte, culture ultra facile

    A. H.

    Non saprei...
    Premetto che ho comprato il substrato a giugno e subito dopo è arrivata un'ondata di calore con picchi da 33°. Questo ha sicuramente influito sulla potenza dei funghi, ma diciamo che durante il primo step (la crescita dei funghetti) ne sono usciti fuori molto pochi, mentre chiunque mi parla di esperienze con substrati pieni pieni pieni di funghi! Comprerò un altro kit in autunno per capire se è stato un errore mio, sperando di far tesoro dell'esperienza appena vissuta!

    G. I.

    Littlebit disappoint
    Not much mushroom came and m after two flush, No mushroom grow.

    P. P.

    Diskret aber keine Wirkung.
    Die Pilze sind diskret und pünktlich angekommen. Der Anbau nach Anleitung verlief erfolgreich aber die Pilze hatten leider keine Potenz. Nach Einnahme von 5g in getrockneter Form mit Lemon-Tek, sowie ein paar Woche später in frischer Form, gab es leider keine Wirkung.

    J. B.

    Nice kit ,probably one of the best experiences if not the best, it's teaching you some things if you want for sure.they grow quite well and fast .recommended for beginners.

    V. F.

    Easy to grow
    Nice and easy to get started, just make sure you harvest the mushrooms before the veils under the caps tear!

    E. S.

    The kit was super easy to use, I just followed the instructions and everything turned out much easier than I expected! All worries about failure just converted to pride as I was watching those fellas growing up big and strong! Totally recommend

    F. M.

    A incredible spiritual journey
    Never had a spiritual journey so intense and so deep and full of meaning and lessons. Top product, top service. Thank you Zambezi’s for what you are doing for the world!

    C. B.

    Easy to grow large first flush, following flushes a lot smaller
    Quick delivery despite customs in UK. Easy instructions and first flush provided 15g dried. Second flush came in at 2g and third has not appeared yet but from previous experience it'll be less than second. Zamnesia have great customer service though if you ever have questions or concerns.

    E. S.

    Once the pins appeared, daily the growth was amazing. Within one week I Harvested them. I have followed the instructions for the second flush and waiting. A bit tricky as Golden Teacher mostly grew from the sides. The McKennaii were different and easier compared to the G.T. as most growth were from the middle. The advise is to cut the side growth to avoid them going off but that is a lot of handling of the cake - I was worried that this would cause contamination.

    P. M.

    No effects
    Mushrooms grew fast, but after eating them, no effects at all (big dosage). Disappointed

    L. M.

    Li ho adorati, sono cresciuti velocissimi! Nella prima rush ho raccolto 169g e poi ho raccolto altre 4 volte! Molto buoni e naturali, l'unica cosa è che hanno bisogno di attenzione da metterci un occhio tutti giorni almeno se no si rischia che il velo si laceri. Consigliati!

    F. L.

    good stuff
    The kit is currently producing its third flush and I'm overall very satisfied with it. Most of the mushrooms have come from the side and not from the top of the cake. That is not ideal and I'm not sure what is the cause, but not a big deal. Very happy so far :D

    L. G.

    2nd order
    Not as good as the 1st for yield .. Will buy another and see

    L. S.

    Petite récolte malgré conditions optimales
    Bonjour , j'ai pris la Golden Teatcher et malgré des conditions idéale et l'habitude je me retrouve avec deux mini récolte à la suite , une 15 aine de petit champignons récolté bien avant que le voile se lève, j'entame le processus de séchage et tous les champignons on eu le voile qui se lève sur la totalité des champignons et les 2 récolte, sa ne ma jamais fait ça et la je ne c'est pas pourquoi les champignons se sont tous ouvert se qui fait perdre en qualité...un peu dégoûté quand même car tous le processus et respectez scrupuleusement...

    N. B.

    Everything as in the descrytion

    H. W.

    Super kit
    J'ai gagnée se kit avec un code sur une carte a gratée, recu il y a un moi, déjà 2 flush pour 20g de champi sec, et le 3ième flush a déjà commencer avec pleins de petits pins Juste le premier flush avais pas mal de side pin, mais en ayant réhydratée le kit au brumisateur beaucoup moins de side pin sur le deuxième flush

    S. C.

    They are very nice shrooms, not too strong, not very many visuals but the mushrooms from this kit look beautiful and they provide a nice harvest

    S. A.

    Muy Poco Potentes
    He cultivado este kit y tengo que decir que la producción fue muy buena. Desafortunadamente los frutos que me salieron no me hicieron absolutamente nada si no un poco de amplificación en la percepción de los colores. Nada mas. Probados en 2 distintas ocasiones.

    A. M.

    Good shrooms in general :)

    V. K.

    Mckenaii and golden teacher grow kit
    These are amazing. Good work zamnesia

    S. D.

    pretty easy beginner experience
    Delivery was super fast and discrete. The first pins showed after 1 week but from then on it took only 3 days to harvest the 1st flush. I harvested about 11g dry. Second flush was a lot less with only 1.5g dry. I will now try to give it a third try. In the meantime I have ordered a zamnesia grow kit, to have some reference. To be honest the zamnesia one does look way better on first sight, the mycelium brick is pretty solid, which really wasn't the case with the fresh mushroom kit I received. However, I was beyond excited to watch them shrooms grow and the trips to Mars were absolutely worthwhile. :)

    M. J.

    Such an easy kit, minimal work required and so quick to reap the rewards. Will definitely be buying again (and again, and again!!!)

    M. F.

    Prima growkit
    Gewoon de aanwijzingen volgen en het komt goed. Eerste flush was gigantisch. De tweede en derde kwamen telkens maar 3 paddestoelen omhoog. Volgens mij kwam dat doordat ik bij de eerste oogst teveel mycelium heb aangeraakt en zo beschadigd. We proberen het nog een keer.

    J. C.

    pas mal
    une production de plus de 300g avec tapis chauffent et lampe approprié content , en plus c'était un cadeau ,merci , ED

    E. D.

    All good!
    Grows very fast, fewer mushrooms than the Mac Kennaii kit but much larger ones! Got two flushes out of it, 229 grams fresh in total

    A. S.

    Très bien comme la description bien suivre les étapes, un conseil c'est mieux d'avoir un scalpel pour les récolter :)

    M. C.

    Très bonne gamme de champis
    J'ai eu plusieurs flush je ne les compte même plus, pour un total de +250gr frais. Kit très résilient: même si j'ai récolté une fois les spores tombés le kit produit toujours. J'ai retourné le pain, l'ai gratté, coupé... Tant qu'il est sain le pain produit. Le trip était de bonne qualité, légers effets visuels mais très long (j'était encore dedans le lendemain). Je recommande ce classique !

    A. P.

    mushrooms good, instructions unclear
    When I received the grow kit, I went to zamnesia on the net for instructions and was given a set that told me to soak, then bag with a little water, and wait. The bags leaked badly. When I contacted Zamnesia, I was told that I had followed the wrong instructions. Either way, had a fair first flush and a small but very pretty second flush by using an old seed propagator and the soak-and-wait technique on a warm mat. I would be grateful if the differences in approach were made a lot clearer. One medium cap in tea worked well, at a micro-plus-a-bit level - just what I wanted.

    A. L.

    This kit didnt perform as many flushes as im used to, but produced about 11g dried shrooms of finest quality in 2 flushes

    N. D.

    4 Sterne
    Die Wirkung der Pilze ist gut, jedoch bin ich mit der Menge, die man aus dem Pilzzuchtset rausbekommt nicht zufrieden. Trotz optimaler Anbaubedingungen bin ich noch nie über 25 Gramm Trockengewicht gekommen.

    E. G.

    Super auch für Einsteiger
    Reicht für einen schönen Vorrat an Magie

    F. A.

    Je suis très satisfaite de ce kit de culture, pour le moment j'ai pu récolter deux fois et une troisième récolte est en train de pousser. Nous avons testé une petite dose avec une amie et les effets étaient plaisants (légers effets visuels, euphorie). Je trouve également fascinant le fait de voir pousser les champignons.

    A. S.

    I loved to grow this kit. I had 3 flushes,, and lot of satisfaction...

    M. C.

    Easy and good
    Easy and good

    J. L.

    Premier kit défectueux, le second parfait
    J'ai reçu un premier kit qui n'a pas fonctionné, zamnesia m'en a envoyé un deuxième gratuit qui a très bien fonctionné, super effet ;)

    S. D.

    Much better setup
    This is my second kit and while I'm still waiting for early signs ( kit was delivered very recently ) I can say that the simple inclusion of a small cardboard box that snugly fits around the 'lunchbox' containing the cake is a wonderful improvement. This will definitely help with side pinning. Now to wait and see

    R. D.
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