Salvia 5x Extrait


Cet extrait 5x Salvia est une bonne force d'essayer une première expérience. Même si c'est le plus faible dosage extraire nous avons en stock, les effets peuvent encore être une force à compter avec.

11,95 € TTC
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    The door will open
    5x is enough strong to open the door of the realm, not quiet to enter it properly. Will try 10x soon. But still very good product and good point to start with.

    A. Z.

    Starke Wirkung
    Intensive Wirkung trotz sehr zurückhaltender Dosierung. Nicht unbedingt angenehm, aber deutliche Wahrnehmungsschärfung. Deutlich unterschieden von Pilzen oder Trips. Bin mir noch unsicher, ob ich die Erfahrung wiederholen möchte. Auf jeden Fall empfiehlt es sich, das Ganze achtsam und respektvoll anzugehen und Set und Setting bedacht zu wählen. Definitiv sollten Anfänger keine stärkere Dosierung wählen.

    G. B.

    Good product
    I didn't really feel it, but what do you expect it's the weakest one, I'm deffo gonna try some of the stronger extracts

    T. W.

    Take is easy
    I'm new to salvia but did my reasearch. There is a thing called reverse tolerance which I found to be true. Initially you might not feel much but it don't mean you have to load your bowl until you vomit rainbows. Keep smoking a little by little maybe like once a day, eventually you will feel more and more the mind altering things and also get used to them without freaking out or hurting yourself. Salvia is very alien in nature and unlike shrooms it's less about rounded waves and more about jagged edges. It loves to mock your stupidity and ego that's why people have bad experiences. Take it slow, respect it and you will be rewarded with a lot of laughter and good times.

    M. G.

    Excellent quality, perfect supplement for meditation.

    K. K.

    Para psiconautas experimentados
    La salvia no defrauda pero debe tomarse en serio. Con concentraciones 5x a veces he alucinado más que con otras muy superiores. Todo depende de como se fume, cuanto más a pulmón los efectos crecen en proporción geométrica...

    P. P.

    Para iniciarse muy bueno i tranquilo

    A. D.

    Good stuff for beginners
    I bought a 5x extract to experiment. Be aware that I am experienced with drugs and I have a lot of culture about the ritual use of them. So, I can say that this is the best compound to start the experiment if you wish. You will not go into another dimension with this extract, but it's a good start. I would like to say to every person who wants to try this drug for fun that it is a stupid idea... anyway if you stop at the 5x extract and smoke 0.1 gr in a pipe you can even use it before going out for a night. If you want to have a solid experience and really go out of this reality you should probably try something stronger, but I suggest to increase the strenght slowly. I will try the 20x extract next since I am pretty much experienced with drugs and ritual procedures but I do not suggest to start so high if you are a beginner...

    T. D.

    Strong but not for me
    It did what it was supposed to but I didnt enjoy myself. I ordered this last year and still have it left in a drawer as I only tried it 3 times but decided it wasn't right for me

    L. B.

    Pas mal
    Première fois avec la salvia suite à de nombreux conseils d'amis. La x5 est un extrait plus tôt calm j'ai fumer les 2g avec des amis et pour nous ça a été juste des énormes barres de +/- 3minutes après chaque taf. SAV plus que parfait !!

    M. G.
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Salvia 5x Extrait
Salvia 5x Extrait
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